Do Investors Have Much Faith In United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE: UMC)

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) does about 11.64M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 8573260 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 15.89B USD. Its current market price is $6.34, marking a decrease of -0.78% compared to the previous close of $6.39. The […]

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE: UMC) Emerges As Guiding Light For Investors

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) currently has a daily average trading volume of 11.68M but it saw 9283218 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 16.04B USD, the company’s current market price of $6.40 came falling about -2.88 while comparing to the previous closing price of $6.59. In past 52 weeks, the […]

Volatility Is Your Friend: United Micro Electronics ADR (UMC) Is Hot Again

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) does about 11.83M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 7661084 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 16.76B USD. Its current market price is $6.69, marking a decrease of -0.45% compared to the previous close of $6.72. The […]

United Micro Electronics ADR (UMC) At $6.59 Offering A Unique Opportunity

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) currently has a daily average trading volume of 11.97M but it saw 17575681 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 16.51B USD, the company’s current market price of $6.59 came falling about -2.08 while comparing to the previous closing price of $6.73. In past 52 weeks, the […]

Stock That Is Worth Exploring Now: United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE: UMC)

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) does about 12.19M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 12956809 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 17.11B USD. Its current market price is $6.83, marking an increase of 1.19% compared to the previous close of $6.75. The […]

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE: UMC) – Time For Strategy Change?

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) currently has a daily average trading volume of 12.25M but it saw 9030305 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 16.76B USD, the company’s current market price of $6.69 came falling about -2.34 while comparing to the previous closing price of $6.85. In past 52 weeks, the […]

Volatility Is Your Friend: United Micro Electronics ADR (UMC) Is Hot Again

United Micro Electronics ADR (NYSE:UMC) does about 12.55M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 14418592 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 16.99B USD. Its current market price is $6.78, marking a decrease of -1.45% compared to the previous close of $6.88. The […]