How Worried Should Investors Be About Rapid7 Inc (RPD)
Rapid7 Inc (NASDAQ:RPD) does about 806.84K shares in volume on a normal day but saw 794668 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 1.89B USD. Its current market price is $29.48, marking a decrease of -0.74% compared to the previous close of $29.70. The 52 week […]
Why Rapid7 Inc (NASDAQ: RPD) At $28.67 Is Worth Your Money?
Rapid7 Inc (NASDAQ:RPD) does about 779.84K shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1107387 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 1.83B USD. Its current market price is $28.67, marking an increase of 1.13% compared to the previous close of $28.35. The 52 week […]