Investors Getting Picky When It Comes To Buying GoodRx Holdings Inc (GDRX)

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) does about 1.32M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1556664 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 1.70B USD. Its current market price is $4.46, marking a decrease of -2.83% compared to the previous close of $4.59. The 52 […]

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: GDRX) – Time For Strategy Change?

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) currently has a daily average trading volume of 1.32M but it saw 782500 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 1.79B USD, the company’s current market price of $4.70 came falling about -3.29 while comparing to the previous closing price of $4.86. In past 52 weeks, the stock […]

Analyzing Stock On Your Own: GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: GDRX)

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) does about 1.31M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1062091 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 1.88B USD. Its current market price is $4.92, marking a decrease of -0.61% compared to the previous close of $4.95. The 52 […]

Should You Sell GoodRx Holdings Inc (GDRX) And Go Away This Year?

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) currently has a daily average trading volume of 1.34M but it saw 2424092 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 1.64B USD, the company’s current market price of $4.29 came falling about -0.46 while comparing to the previous closing price of $4.31. In past 52 weeks, the stock […]

Are Analysts Too Bullish On GoodRx Holdings Inc (GDRX)

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) currently has a daily average trading volume of 1.28M but it saw 1560332 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 1.74B USD, the company’s current market price of $4.56 came falling about -2.15 while comparing to the previous closing price of $4.66. In past 52 weeks, the stock […]

GoodRx Holdings Inc (GDRX): The Latest Casualty Of Increased Volatility?

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) does about 1.28M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 3286717 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 1.80B USD. Its current market price is $4.89, marking no change compared to the previous close of $4.89. The 52 week high […]

A Few Bright Spots In GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: GDRX)

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) currently has a daily average trading volume of 1.24M but it saw 7913705 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 1.91B USD, the company’s current market price of $5.04 came falling about -17.51 while comparing to the previous closing price of $6.11. In past 52 weeks, the stock […]

Do Investors Have Much Faith In GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: GDRX)

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) does about 1.33M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1120253 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 2.51B USD. Its current market price is $6.61, marking a decrease of -4.34% compared to the previous close of $6.91. The 52 […]

A Few Bright Spots In GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ: GDRX)

GoodRx Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:GDRX) currently has a daily average trading volume of 1.37M but it saw 908618 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 2.61B USD, the company’s current market price of $6.88 came falling about -2.13 while comparing to the previous closing price of $7.03. In past 52 weeks, the stock […]