Putting The Spotlight On KE Holdings Inc ADR (BEKE)

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) currently has a daily average trading volume of 9.05M but it saw 6763159 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 18.38B USD, the company’s current market price of $15.73 came rising about 4.52 while comparing to the previous closing price of $15.05. In past 52 weeks, the […]

More To Go Or Is It Over? – KE Holdings Inc ADR (BEKE)

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) does about 9.02M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 7217381 shares change hands in Tuesday trading. The company now has a market cap of 17.59B USD. Its current market price is $15.05, marking an increase of 1.83% compared to the previous close of $14.78. The 52 week […]

No Stopping KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE: BEKE) These Days

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) does about 9.04M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 10432282 shares change hands in Friday trading. The company now has a market cap of 16.53B USD. Its current market price is $14.15, marking a decrease of -3.15% compared to the previous close of $14.61. The 52 week […]

KE Holdings Inc ADR (BEKE): Investing In A Time Of Crisis

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) currently has a daily average trading volume of 8.99M but it saw 7456746 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 17.73B USD, the company’s current market price of $15.17 came falling about -0.65 while comparing to the previous closing price of $15.27. In past 52 weeks, the […]

Estimating Price Trends For KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE: BEKE)

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) does about 9.10M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 4522240 shares change hands in Friday trading. The company now has a market cap of 18.10B USD. Its current market price is $15.49, marking a decrease of -0.58% compared to the previous close of $15.58. The 52 week […]

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE: BEKE): Retirees Don’t Worry About Volatility

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) currently has a daily average trading volume of 9.26M but it saw 3198864 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 18.16B USD, the company’s current market price of $15.54 came rising about 1.11 while comparing to the previous closing price of $15.37. In past 52 weeks, the […]

Stock That Is Worth Exploring Now: KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE: BEKE)

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) does about 9.41M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 8742416 shares change hands in Friday trading. The company now has a market cap of 18.36B USD. Its current market price is $15.71, marking a decrease of -0.70% compared to the previous close of $15.82. The 52 week […]

Predicting Future Price Moves In KE Holdings Inc ADR (BEKE)

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) does about 10.01M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 2712392 shares change hands in Monday trading. The company now has a market cap of 18.60B USD. Its current market price is $15.92, marking no change compared to the previous close of $15.92. The 52 week high reached […]

Should Investors Trust The Upside Potential In KE Holdings Inc ADR (BEKE)?

KE Holdings Inc ADR (NYSE:BEKE) currently has a daily average trading volume of 10.01M but it saw 7066509 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 18.95B USD, the company’s current market price of $16.22 came rising about 0.62 while comparing to the previous closing price of $16.12. In past 52 weeks, the […]