How Worried Should Investors Be About FREYR Battery Inc (FREY)

money audit

FREYR Battery Inc (NYSE:FREY) does about 4.19M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1655701 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 262.72M USD. Its current market price is $1.87, marking a decrease of -4.10% compared to the previous close of $1.95. The 52 […]

Can Buying FREYR Battery Inc (NYSE: FREY) Still Be Worthwhile?

FREYR Battery Inc (NYSE:FREY) does about 4.03M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 2878363 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 330.15M USD. Its current market price is $2.35, marking a decrease of -9.62% compared to the previous close of $2.60. The 52 […]

Why FREYR Battery Inc (NYSE: FREY) At $2.82 Is Worth Your Money?

FREYR Battery Inc (NYSE:FREY) does about 3.90M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 5220811 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 419.41M USD. Its current market price is $2.82, marking a decrease of -2.42% compared to the previous close of $2.89. The 52 […]