Do Investors Have Much Faith In Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ: CHTR)

Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ:CHTR) does about 1.18M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1094105 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 98.48B USD. Its current market price is $346.29, marking an increase of 2.50% compared to the previous close of $337.84. The 52 […]

Analyzing Stock On Your Own: Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ: CHTR)

Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ:CHTR) does about 1.18M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 458776 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 97.36B USD. Its current market price is $342.77, marking a decrease of -0.12% compared to the previous close of $343.18. The 52 […]

Volatility Is Your Friend: Charter Communications Inc (CHTR) Is Hot Again

Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ:CHTR) does about 1.31M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 961257 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 105.52B USD. Its current market price is $371.03, marking a decrease of -2.10% compared to the previous close of $378.98. The 52 […]

Can Buying Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ: CHTR) Still Be Worthwhile?

Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ:CHTR) does about 1.30M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1738190 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 107.49B USD. Its current market price is $377.96, marking an increase of 3.28% compared to the previous close of $365.96. The 52 […]

Ideas And Forecasts On Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ: CHTR)

Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ:CHTR) currently has a daily average trading volume of 1.18M but it saw 2400305 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 116.04B USD, the company’s current market price of $408.02 came rising about 6.71 while comparing to the previous closing price of $382.38. In past 52 weeks, the stock […]

Estimating Price Trends For Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ: CHTR)

Charter Communications Inc (NASDAQ:CHTR) does about 1.11M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 4364880 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 65.46B USD. Its current market price is $366.49, marking an increase of 11.87% compared to the previous close of $327.61. The 52 […]