How Worried Should Investors Be About Millrose Properties Inc (MRP)

Millrose Properties Inc (NYSE:MRP) does about 5.58M shares in volume on a normal day but saw 1517255 shares change hands in the recent trading day. The company now has a market cap of 3.52B USD. Its current market price is $21.22, marking a decrease of -1.85% compared to the previous close of $21.62. The 52 week high reached by this stock is $27.07 whilst the lowest price level in 52 weeks is $19.00.

Millrose Properties Inc (MRP) has a 20-day trading average at $22.54 and the current price is -21.61% off the 52-week high compared with 11.68% distance from its 52-week low. If we look at the stock’s price movements over the week, volatility stands at 4.01%, which increases to 4.60% over 1 month.

The company shares received a number of brokerage firm price updates over the past month, with the latest being on February 27, 2025 when Goldman initiated the stock to “Buy” and issued a price target of $25.

The current price level is -5.88%, -6.65%, and -6.65% away from its SMA20, SMA50, and SMA200 respectively, with the MRP price moving above the 50-day SMA on current market day. Millrose Properties Inc (MRP) stock is down -4.37% over the week and -20.64% over the past month. Its price is -3.28% year-to-date.

The company’s next earnings report forecasts estimating quarterly EPS at 0 and 0 for whole year.

Outstanding shares total 166.00M with insiders holding 22.26% of the shares and institutional holders owning 30.18% of the company’s common stock. The company has a return on investment of -2.20% and return on equity of -7.40%. The price to earnings ratio (P/E ratio) amounts to 8.63.