Know Labs Inc (AMEX:KNW) currently has a daily average trading volume of 571.21K but it saw 15357327 shares traded in last market. With a market cap of 19.94M USD, the company’s current market price of $0.17 came rising about 7.23 while comparing to the previous closing price of $0.16. In past 52 weeks, the stock remained buoying in the range of price level as high as $0.92 and as low as $0.13. In the recent trading on the day, stock has struck highest price mark of $0.1422 while lowest mark touched by it was $0.1741.
Taking a look at 20-day trading activity of Know Labs Inc (KNW) gives us an average price of $0.1952, while its current price level is -81.37% below from 52-week high level whereas it is 31.07% above from lowest level seen by the stock during that period. Simple moving average of 50 days or SMA-50 of the stock’s closing price is $0.2150 while that of 200 days or SMA-200 reads an average of $0.4050. A closer look into the stock’s movement over the week reveals that its volatility is standing at 16.16% during that period while stretching the period over a month that increases to 17.02%. It is also necessary to take a look into other indicators of a stock too, to get a better idea about its price movement. And in doing so, we find stock’s 14-day relative strength index (RSI) standing at 41.42 which implies that the stock is in neutral territory.
Over the week, KNW’s stock price is moving 16.21% up while it is -28.97% when we observe its performance for the past one month. Year-to-date it is -66.19% down and over the past year, the stock is showing a downside performance of -66.19%.
Currently, Know Labs Inc’s total number of outstanding shares is 108.10M. Company’s return on equity (ROE) at -2088.74%. Stock’s beta reads 1.54. Its return on asset (ROA) is -277.97% on average.